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Myanmar rebels say they have repelled Army push to take back Myawaddy

Rrebel fighters in Myanmar say they have repelled a government attempt to take back Myawaddy - on th ...View More

Myanmar fighting: Military is losing key bases to armed groups

Fighting in Myanmar is escalating between the military junta and rebel groups in the east. The viole ...View More

Watch how Myanmar’s rebels are building mini-bomber drones | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Deep in the jungles of eastern Myanmar, rebels are using a surprising mix of high-tech and crude con ...View More

Rebels in Myanmar develop attack drones

Last week, Myanmar's air force received its first delivery of Russian fighter jets. The planes will  ...View More

ASEAN Summit day 2: Members divided on war in Ukraine & Myanmar

Southeast Asian leaders are meeting for second day of the ASEAN Summit in the Indonesian capital Jak ...View More

Myanmar jade mine landslide: 33 Bodies recovered, dozens missing

Rescue workers continue to search for bodies after a Jade mine collapse in Northern Myanmar on Sunda ...View More

Residents of India’s Manipur take up arms against each other | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

India's government has told the head of its Manipur state of “work harder” at resolving ethnic tensi ...View More

Cyclone Mocha: Death toll Rises as severe storms batters Myanmar

The news has taken several days to get out after communications to the North Western town of Sittwe  ...View More

Myanmar: Campaign of Terror | Bird’s Eye View

A ‘campaign of terror’ is how human rights groups are describing what’s happening  ...View More

At least 3 dead af­ter Cy­clone Mocha hits Myan­mar, Bangladesh

Cyclone Mocha has crashed ashore in Myanmar leaving relief workers struggling to assess the extent o ...View More

Cycloen Mocha: Myanmar & Bangladesh hit by strong winds and rainfall

The most powerful cyclone to hit the Bay of Bengal in the last 10 years is crossing the coasts of Ba ...View More

Category 5 Cyclone Mocha hits Myanmar | AJ #shorts

The most powerful cyclone to cross the Bay of Bengal in a decade has made landfall in Myanmar. Cyclo ...View More

Thousands evacuated as Cyclone Mocha nears Myanmar, Bangladesh

Thousands of people in Myanmar and Bangladesh are evacuating residents ahead of Cyclone Mocha, which ...View More

ASEAN Summit: Southeast Asian leaders meet in Indonesia

Indonesia is set to host Southeast Asian leaders for the ASEAN Summit later on Tuesday. The politica ...View More

Why is there violence in India’s Manipur? | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

India's army have been given 'shoot on sight' orders to calm violence in India's Manipur state, afte ...View More

Police arrest 14-year-old suspect in Serbia school shooting | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Serbian police have arrested a 14-year-old student accused of shooting dead at least 8 students and  ...View More

Nigerian student pleads for evacuation from Sudan fighting | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Thousands of Nigerian students are among those waiting to be evacuated from the fighting in Sudan, w ...View More

Asia heatwave pushing temperatures to record levels

Laos is the latest country to set a new all-time record as Luang Prabang reached 42.7°C (109°F) Tues ...View More

Zaw Min Tun: Myanmar’s army is in power, but is it in control? | Talk to Al Jazeera

It has been more than two years since Myanmar's military seized control of the country. The fight be ...View More

Myanmar military admits air attack that killed dozens | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Myanmar's military has carried out an air attack that killed more than 50 people, including women an ...View More

Myanmar military confirms air raid that killed dozens in Sagaing

Myanmar's military has admitted carrying out an air attack on a community hall in the central Sagain ...View More

At least 100 killed in Myanmar military air attacks

Warning - you may find the images in the report disturbing. Myanmar's military has launched air atta ...View More

Thousands flee Myanmar fighting | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Thousands take refuge at the Thai border to escape fighting between rebel groups and the army in Mya ...View More

Exclusive access inside Myanmar’s apartheid state | 101 East Documentary (April 6, 2023)

The plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslim minority has faded from the media spotlight. But some  ...View More

Myanmar tourism: Military gov't tries to lure tourists

When democracy came to Myanmar, so did the tourists - more than four million of them in 2019. Then C ...View More

Myanmar military's visit to Cox's Bazar refugee camp raises doubt

A delegation from Myanmar's military government has visited the Cox's Bazar refugee camp in Banglade ...View More

Myanmar parades military and issues warning to "terrorists" | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

An Al Jazeera crew was allowed into Myanmar to witness a huge military parade, as its leader issued  ...View More

Myanmar military pledges decisive action against opponents

Myanmar's coup leader Min Aung Hlaing has pledged to deal decisively with “terrorists” fighting agai ...View More

Myanmar: Injured fighters continue struggle from Thailand

For some young people in Myanmar, the decision to oppose the military coup has taken them from stree ...View More

Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh Prime Minister interviewed by Al Jazeera

Al Jazeera's Nick Clark meets with Sheikh Hasina the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, and discuss the f ...View More

Myanmar military rulers extend state of emergency by six months #shorts

Myanmar military rulers extend state of emergency by six months #shorts Two years after seizing powe ...View More

Myanmar military rulers extend state of emergency by six months

Two years after seizing power in a coup, Myanmar's military leaders have extended the country's stat ...View More

Nationwide resistance in Myanmar, two years after military coup | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

I was a factory worker in Yangon but now I have become a revolutionist.” Two years since the militar ...View More

Two years since the Myanmar military coup

The conflict between the military and anti-coup fighters in Myanmar has only deepened after two year ...View More

Myanmar children cut off from education and healthcare

Living conditions for people in Myanmar's Kayah state continue to deteriorate nearly two years after ...View More

Myanmar refugee in Thailand: 'I feared for my family's safety'

It has been nearly two years since the coup in Myanmar, and the military government continues to tar ...View More

Myanmar’s junta takes step to tighten military grip on power

Myanmar's military government appears to have taken greater measures to tighten its grip on power th ...View More

Myanmar court finds Aung San Suu Kyi guilty, adds 7 years in jail

A court in military-ruled Myanmar has found the country's toppled leader Aung San Suu Kyi guilty of  ...View More

India, Pakistan foreign ministers trade heated barbs on ‘terror’ | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Pakistan's foreign minister has called India's Modi the “butcher of Gujarat” after his counterpart a ...View More

Freed foreigners return home after Myanmar prisoner amnesty

Myanmar has freed nearly 6000 prisoners, including several foreigners, as part of an amnesty to mark ...View More

Southeast Asia leaders struggle with Myanmar crisis at summit

The Myanmar crisis dominated the first day of talks at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (A ...View More

ASEAN summit: Myanmar to top Southeast Asian leaders’ discussions

Myanmar is expected to dominate a meeting of Southeast Asian leaders - but the country's military le ...View More

ASEAN summit: Myanmar divides bloc ahead of Cambodia meeting

Southeast Asian heads of state will head to the Cambodian capital on Friday for the annual Associati ...View More

ASEAN emergency meeting: Foreign ministers in Jakarta over Myanmar crisis

ASEAN foreign ministers hold emergency meeting in Jakarta to discuss Myanmar's military. ASEAN leade ...View More

How have Myanmar's ethnic conflicts evolved since the coup? | Inside Story

At least 60 people have been killed in a Myanmar military air raid on a celebration by the Kachin In ...View More

At least 60 killed in air strike in Myanmar's Kachin state

At least 60 people have been killed in an air strike in Myanmar's Kachin state. Myanmar's military r ...View More

Tensions as Bangladesh accuses Myanmar of firing in its territory

Authorities in Bangladesh say stray ammunition from fighting in Myanmar is landing in its territory. ...View More

Eastern Economic Forum: Russian President speaking at annual gathering | Al Jazeera analysis

Eastern Economic Forum: Russian President speaking at annual gathering Vladimir Putin accuses the we ...View More

Investigation uncovers Myanmar’s military abuses against opponents

An investigation in Myanmar has uncovered more evidence of widespread abuses against opponents of th ...View More

Myanmar to import Russian oil amid supply concerns

As many western countries and their allies try to move away from Russian energy, Myanmar's military  ...View More

Myanmar executions: Pro-democracy activists call for justice

Protesters in Myanmar say the military government must be held accountable internationally for execu ...View More

Myanmar crisis, Taiwan tensions top ASEAN summit agenda

Top Southeast Asian diplomats are meeting in Cambodia for the ASEAN summit. And security concerns ar ...View More

Can Myanmar’s pro-democracy activists endure military pressure? | The Stream

People across Myanmar are continuing to endure a state of emergency that has now been extended for s ...View More

Myanmar military accused of bombing civilians

Myanmar's military is accused of using fighter planes to fire unguided munitions in civilian areas,  ...View More

Can international pressure stop capital punishment in Myanmar? | Inside Story

The execution of four prominent pro-democracy activists in Myanmar has sparked anger in the country  ...View More

Myanmar executes four anti coup activists | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Myanmar's military government has executed four anti-coup activists, including a close ally of Aung  ...View More

Myanmar executes four anti-coup activists, drawing outrage

Myanmar's military government has executed four anti-coup activists, including a close ally of Nobel ...View More

Forced to Scam: Cambodia’s Cyber Slaves | 101 East Documentary

Chinese cyber-scam operations are stealing tens of billions of dollars from victims around the world ...View More

Myanmar army air raids send hundreds fleeing into Thailand

Hundreds of refugees have fled across the Myanmar border into Thailand on Friday, after fierce fight ...View More

Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to four years in jail | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Myanmar's ousted leader Suu Kyi has been sentenced to four years in jail in the first of a series of ...View More

Is Myanmar a failing state?| The Stream

Myanmar Nine months after the military junta overthrew a democratically-elected government in Myanma ...View More

Myanmar military government accused of arresting doctors as COVID cases soar

Cases of COVID-19 are surging in Myanmar and the healthcare system is not only overstretched but und ...View More

Jailed Myanmar politician Nyan Win dies from COVID

A warning – this report shows some distressing images. A rapid new wave of infections has suddenly s ...View More

Myanmar journalists seek refuge in Thailand

In Myanmar, journalists are facing arrest and torture for simply doing their jobs. Some are escaping ...View More

Is Myanmar getting away with killing dissidents? | The Stream

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the army seized power in February, claiming without evidence that  ...View More

Thai border network helps people flee Myanmar military crackdown

Near the border town of Mae Sot, Thailand, a growing underground network is helping people flee the  ...View More

Myanmar: Protesters join rebel groups fighting the military

As the military crackdown goes on, some activists and protesters are joining ethnic armed groups to  ...View More

Thousands flee for Thailand as Myanmar military bombs border area

Some 3000 people from Myanmar's southeastern Karen state fled to neighbouring Thailand after the mil ...View More

Army fires at funeral as Myanmar mourns day of ‘mass murder’

Myanmar security forces have opened fire on people gathered for the funeral of one of the 114 people ...View More